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VIDEO: AMA Privateer Logan Karnow – Anaheim 1 Vlog from Racer caught up in Friese pile-up

VIDEO: AMA Privateer Logan Karnow – Anaheim 1 Vlog from Racer caught up in Friese pile-up

They say there’s something called Sod’s Law – maybe that’s what hit AMA Supercross racer Logan Karnow, who got caught up in the same first corner pile-up that claimed Hunter Lawrence and Chase Sexton in the first heat race – although Logan’s foot ended up pointing the wrong way!  Check below for his open message to Vince Friese, whose sweep across the outside started the carnage!

WARNING: Not for the faint-hearted and contains some strong language!

So after that, here is the open message he had for Mr Friese: