Yamaha Motorcycles

Shooting for the Moon, Racing for the Stars! Revvi All Stars – Race Report & Results

Revvi All Stars Race Report

A few weeks back a fantastic entry of Revvi racers rocked up to the Wheeldon Off-Road Centre in Devon for the second staging of the Revvi All Stars Electric Balance Bike race event.

Report by EXGB – Images by @rox_shotz

The Revvi 12″ 3 years of age class saw Tommy Ashmore shining bright and winning all six races of the weekend to take the title in fine style. Jenson Wood put in a superb shift with six second places for the number two spot on the podium with Jaxon Jones firing in some great results for third overall. Battling hard and riding well for fourth overall was Cooper Kempin, while Sonny Chapman had a great weekend for fifth.

Chase Dunstan never gave up and pitched in with some good rides to end the two days in Sixth, Teddy Roberts came to the party on Sunday and rode a stormer with some super results to obtain seventh, Junior Hayne kept it pinned for a great eighth, and Ronnie Ellis had some awesome rides for ninth.

As always, the racing was fast and furious in the Revvi 12″ 4-5 years of age category with old sparring partners and best buddies Gunnar Day and Viktor Konarzewski duking it out all weekend long for All Stars glory. With five wins from six the title would go the way of Gunnar with Viktor notching up win to finish second. Once again, great racing guys.

Maddox Knifton was well on the pace and powered to a tremendous third overall while Ethan Rudd had a fantastic weekend and was well in the mix with fourth. Oscar Wild landed a superb fifth overall with some epic races, Reggie Herring turned on the style for a great sixth, Casey Fuller fought hard for a excellent seventh, Billie Hammer improved as the weekend went on and rode well for eighth, and Ronnie Gardner notched up points in two races on Saturday for ninth.

Lucas Gill had a mighty fine weekend to be crowned the Revvi 16″ 3 years of age champion, mixing it with the older kids in the 4 years of age category. Maddox Buckley was another right in amongst it with the older group and was rewarded with second overall in the 3 years of age category with some fantastic rides. Tommy George made it onto the podium with some great racing in third, Vinnie Legg stormed to a superb fourth and Billy Plummer kept the throttle wide open for a good fifth.

The Revvi 16″ 4 year old class was stacked and it would take an epic winning ride in Sunday’s final for Ezra Guyton to take the title over the hard chasing Oliver Harrington who would win out in Saturday’s Main event. Holding onto third with two superb finals was Aliyas Westwick, while Ralphy Twist who was super fast in the heats picked himself up from falls to take a good fourth.

Reggie Herring shined bright to finish a tremendous fifth, Maddox Knifton and Tommy White put in some mighty fine results for joint sixth and Jasper Cook fired in a pair of great races for eighth.

In ninth was the busy Ethan Rudd with some good rides, Rory Davis hammered home some superb results for tenth, Theo Langdon kept focussed and railed his Revvi to eleventh and Reuben Scrivens recovered from a crash on Saturday to have a storming A final on Sunday for twelfth overall.

Noah Whittaker showed plenty of pace for thirteenth, Walter Shingler Hulme never gives up and claimed a super fourteenth, Harley Patel only took part on Saturday where he finished fifth in the A Final for fifteenth overall. Ronnie Evans picked himself up from a big prang to end the weekend in Sixteenth and a MotoTwenty5 Little Hero award for his efforts and Apollo Newton racked up good points on both days for sixteenth. Bear Todd and Logan Thornton rode well and ended the two days in Eighteenth and Nineteenth respectively.

Over in the Super competitive Revvi 16″ 5 year old class, last years 12″ 4-5 All Stars winner Stanley Scott was in formidable form and although he didn’t have it easy he powered to a double A Final victory to claim another title. Blake Benson as always was Stanley’s biggest threat and with his silky smooth style he notched up two second places in the finals for another fantastic second overall. Grayson-Blake Martin is a rider on the ascendancy and with two great rides would round out the weekend on the box in third. Aurora Young was another surefire contender and with a third and a fifth would take an awesome fourth on the weekend. Archie Gill looked sharp and committed and pitched in with a duo of superb finals for fifth, Viktor Konarzewski is always in the thick of the action and landed an awesome sixth, while Gunnar Day kept it on the gas in seventh.

Ivy Rose Tasker made a fantastic debut taking eighth, Archie Jones rattled off some great race results for ninth. Max James Good had one of those weekend’s suffering falls at the start of each final but he never gave up and made it into the top ten with tenth overall.

Cohen Fewings didn’t hold back and claimed a solid eleventh; Freddie Clapham impressed on his debut in the twelfth, as did Charlie Dewland in the thirteenth. The super busy Acey Topliss fired in some cracking races for fourteenth, Rafe Harwood collected a great fifteenth, Louie Smith had a good ride on Saturday to claim sixteenth, Elsie Graham took to the track with fine style and finished seventeenth, Oscar Wild rode well for eighteenth and Henry Davey rode his socks off for nineteenth.

In the Revvi 16″ 6 years of age category, the victory would go the way of Martha Gill, who chalked up five tremendous wins, with Parker Herbert nailing second overall with a superb final race win. Alfie Puddy was always at the sharp end and had plenty of speed up his sleeve and would end the weekend in a great third. Alfie James fought hard and rode well for fourth, Dexter Arnold had some great races and finished fifth, Oli Sowden pitched in with some good results for sixth and Flynn Gordon-Farleigh made a promising debut with a fourth in the fifth race for seventh overall.

Darcie Crane would be victorious in the Revvi 16″ 7-8 year old class, fending off Emy Gardner and Louisa Mardell, and would finish in second and third position. Great racing girls.

Matching his All Stars victory in the Open 5-6 year old class last year, Austin Roberts was on a another planet in the Revvi 18″ 6-8 year old class. Austin rattled off six sublime wins to be crowned the champ ahead of Oscar Duckworth in second, who looks at home on the new bike, showing plenty of speed and style.

Arthur Hitchcock made it onto the podium in third with some superb track craft while, Charlie Young showed his liking for the new 18″ bike with some great riding and fourth overall. Darlla Luce battled hard in every race to claim fifth with Vivienne Western getting better as the weekend rolled on in sixth. Ortus Simons had some great speed and finished seventh with Saturday only racer Beau Baker in eighth.

The Revvi 18″ 9-11-year-old class was pure entertainment. Jesse Barks would take the chequers in five occasions to take the top spot and the title but it doesn’t tell the whole story of how action packed the races were. With a win to his name Hugo Roberts would stake his claim on second overall with some mighty fine riding and epic duals with Emelia Bryant who gave it everything she had to take a well deserved third overall. Seth Johnson had a great weekend, notching up a second in the final race for fourth overall. Natalia Jones and Amelia Clark duked it out all weekend long with Natalie taking fifth and Amelia sixth. Ania Shingler Hulme picked herself up from a couple of nasty falls to finish a fine seventh.

As always, we would like to thank Andrew and the team at the Wheeldon Off-Road Centre for welcoming us to their fantastic venue and, of course, our super team for all of their hard work over the weekend.

Well done to all of our racers for all of their great efforts over the weekend.

Our next Revvi event is our biggest Revvi Cup event yet, the Revvi Rumble which takes place on the 23rd and 24th March at SX Worx in Sheffield.

Head here for the full info >> https://electricbikeracing.co.uk/the-revvi-rumble/


Revvi 12″ 3 Years of Age

Pos Rider Total Points
1st Tommy Ashmore 60
2nd Jenson Wood 54
3rd Jaxon Jones 45
4th Cooper Kempin 34
5th Sonny Chapman 31
6th Chase Dunstan 30
7th Teddy Roberts 23
8th Junior Hayne 23
9th Ronnie Ellis 12

Revvi 12″ 4-5 Years of Age

Pos Rider Total Points
1st Gunnar Day 59
2nd Viktor Konarzewski 54
3rd Maddox Knifton 48
4th Ethan Rudd 42
5th Oscar Wild 34
6th Reggie Herring 30
7th Casey Fuller 24
8th Billie Hammer 18
9th Ronnie Gardner 7

Revvi 16″ 3 years of age

1st Lucas Gill 60
2nd Maddox Buckley 54
3rd Tommy George 50
4th Vinnie Legg 46
5th Billy Plummer 42

Revvi 16″ 4 years of age

Pos Rider Total Points
1st Ezra Guyton 55
2nd Oliver Harrington 55
3rd Aliyas Westwick 50
4th Ralphy Twist 50
5th Reggie Herring 38
6th Maddox Knifton 35
6th Tommy White 35
8th Jasper Cook 33
9th Ethan Eudd 31
10th Rory Davis 28
11th Theo Langdon 27
12th Reuben Scrivens 26
13th Noah Whittaker 24
14th Walter Shingler Hulme 23
15th Harley Patel 21
16th Ronnie Evans 19
17th Apollo Newton 19
18th Bear Todd 7
19th Logan Thornton 6

Revvi 16″ 5 years of age

Pos Rider Total Points
1st Stanley Scott 60
2nd Blake Benson 54
3rd Grayson-Blake Martin 48
4th Aurora Young 46
5th Archie Gill 44
6th Viktor Konarzewski 36
6th Gunnar Day 35
8th Ivy Rose Tasker 32
9th Archie Jones 30
10th Max James Good 30
11th Cohen Fewings 27
12th Freddie Clapham 23
13th Charlie Dewland 23
14th Acey Topliss 22
15th Rafe Harwood 20
16th Louie Smith 18
17th Elsie Graham 17
18th Oscar Wild 17
19th Henry Davey 14

Revvi 16″ 6 years of age

1st Martha Gill 58
2nd Parker Herbert 53
3rd Alfie Puddy 51
4th Alfie Jones 32
5th Dexter Arnold 27
6th Oli Sowden 25
6th Flynn Gordon-Farleigh 24

Revvi 16″ 7-8 years of age

1st Darcie Crane 34
2nd Emy Gardner 12
3rd Louisa Mardell 11

Revvi 18″ 6-8 years of age

1st Austin Roberts 60
2nd Oscar Duckworth 54
3rd Arthur Hitchcock 48
4th Charlie Young 40
5th Darlla Luce 31
6th Vivienne Western 27
6th Ortus Simons 26
8th Beau Baker 17

Revvi 18″ 9-11 years of age

1st Jesse Barks 57
2nd Hugo Roberts 53
3rd Emelia Bryant 48
4th Seth Johnson 44
5th Natalia Jones 36
6th Amelia Clark 32
7th Ania Shingler Hulme 24

