The 2022 series is fast approaching with just 10 weeks to go before Rhayader Motorclub open the series with Round 1 of the Welsh Open Youth Hare & Hound Series At Cwmythig Hill
All events this year will take place on a Saturday as each club will be running a round of the ALL NEW Welsh Open Sprint Championship on the Sunday at the same venue.
Youth registration has already begun and yet again it’s proving to be ever popular. Over 100 riders registered to secure their place and number in the 1st 24 hours alone.
The series, now in its 4th year, is growing year on year. Up to 131 riders lined up at each round last year with 181 different riders competing across the 2021 series.
Securing the future of our sport lies among the youth riders of today and giving them the best start into the sport we love is what we aim to achieve
From grassroots and complete beginners through to experienced youth riders looking to move on to the next level, the two events (Saturday and Sunday) should provide the experience they need to continue their riding career long into their adult life too.